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Karuna Reiki





Karuna Reiki

In Karuna Reiki you learn by working with higher spiritual entities.

 You receive knowledge on how to forgive yourself and others.

This is actually the core of any spiritual practice.

You release yourself of any negative strings that hold you from walking your sacred journey.

All Reiki systems promote this concept but in Karuna Reiki, you dive even deeper.

Another important difference is that at Karuna Reiki level 1, you do receive some symbols.

Therefore you get into advanced practices right from the start.

This is why it’s important to introduce yourself to Reiki through the Usui system first.

 There you learn about symbols at level 2, once you’ve been through a cleansing and introductory phase.


  • The term Karuna is a Sanskrit word used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zen. The word means any action taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as ‘ compassion action’. On being enlightened it is said there is no discrimination, compassion is shown to all. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings are benefited. It is a therapy that is directly connected to the supreme and anyone coming across this healing method is healed with compassion and love. It is said that as we heal our wounds it is only possible with the karuna of the Divine. It is stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by wisdom to have the right effect.
  • Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They constantly send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but sadly all are not receptive to it. As one develops Karuna in self, not only helps others but becomes more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent to all by the enlightened beings. In such cases healing rapidly takes place.
  • Karuna Reiki opens you to work more closely with all enlightened souls. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit. The Karuna system of Reiki was developed by William L. Rand. The symbols were channeled by several other Reiki Masters, including Marcy Miller, Kellie -Ray Marine, Pat Courtney, Catherine Mills Bellamont, and Marla Abraham. William used the symbols and found them to have value, but felt they had more power than what was being accessed. He meditated a called the new system ‘Karuna Reiki’.Although, some of the symbols are used in other Reiki systems but do not have the same frequency or effectiveness or healing energies as in the Karuna System. It is felt that it is different from the Usui Reiki and some students find it more powerful. It has a more definite feeling to it and works on all the energy bodies at the same time. The attunement is completely different and the experience gained at the time is very unique. Some have also felt the presence of Guides and Masters.
  • There are some unique sets of Symbols that are worked upon and each healing is different from the other. There are two initial levels and then the master level.

You will learn 12 more powerful symbols to heal yourself or others along with the attunement of these symbols.

You will know the meanings of each symbol.

You will learn how to use these symbols.

You will learn where and when to use these symbols

Learning Path

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu orci faucibus orci malesuada semper eget non tellus. Cras sed dignissim purus. Mauris varius neque leo, eu pellentesque justo venenatis et. Sed ultricies risus non turpis tempus, nec  nulla suscipit. In comdo urna eu turpis accumsan, et viverra mauris fringillaCras interdum 

Video 48 Min  + 2 Min read to complete

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu orci faucibus orci malesuada semper eget non tellus. Cras sed dignissim purus. Mauris varius neque leo, eu pellentesque justo venenatis et. Sed ultricies risus non turpis tempus, nec  nulla suscipit. In comdo urna eu turpis accumsan, et viverra mauris fringillaCras interdum 

Video 48 Min  + 2 Min read to complete

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu orci faucibus orci malesuada semper eget non tellus. Cras sed dignissim purus. Mauris varius neque leo, eu pellentesque justo venenatis et. Sed ultricies risus non turpis tempus, nec  nulla suscipit. In comdo urna eu turpis accumsan, et viverra mauris fringillaCras interdum 

Video 48 Min  + 2 Min read to complete

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu orci faucibus orci malesuada semper eget non tellus. Cras sed dignissim purus. Mauris varius neque leo, eu pellentesque justo venenatis et. Sed ultricies risus non turpis tempus, nec  nulla suscipit. In comdo urna eu turpis accumsan, et viverra mauris fringillaCras interdum 

Video 48 Min  + 2 Min read to complete

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu orci faucibus orci malesuada semper eget non tellus. Cras sed dignissim purus. Mauris varius neque leo, eu pellentesque justo venenatis et. Sed ultricies risus non turpis tempus, nec  nulla suscipit. In comdo urna eu turpis accumsan, et viverra mauris fringillaCras interdum 

Video 48 Min  + 2 Min read to complete

What people are saying

Karuna reiki

In Karuna Reiki you learn by working with higher spiritual entities.  You receive knowledge on how to forgive yourself and others. This is actually the core of any spiritual practice. You release yourself of any negative strings that hold you from walking your sacred journey. All Reiki systems promote this concept but in Karuna Reiki, you dive even deeper. Another important difference is that at Karuna Reiki level 1, you do receive some symbols. Therefore you get into advanced practices right from the start. This is why it’s important to introduce yourself to Reiki through the Usui system first.  There you learn about symbols at level 2, once you’ve been through a cleansing and introductory phase.

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In Karuna Reiki you learn by working with higher spiritual entities.

 You receive knowledge on how to forgive yourself and others.

This is actually the core of any spiritual practice.

You release yourself of any negative strings that hold you from walking your sacred journey.

All Reiki systems promote this concept but in Karuna Reiki, you dive even deeper.

Another important difference is that at Karuna Reiki level 1, you do receive some symbols.

Therefore you get into advanced practices right from the start.

This is why it’s important to introduce yourself to Reiki through the Usui system first.

 There you learn about symbols at level 2, once you’ve been through a cleansing and introductory phase.


  • The term Karuna is a Sanskrit word used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zen. The word means any action taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as ‘ compassion action’. On being enlightened it is said there is no discrimination, compassion is shown to all. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings are benefited. It is a therapy that is directly connected to the supreme and anyone coming across this healing method is healed with compassion and love. It is said that as we heal our wounds it is only possible with the karuna of the Divine. It is stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by wisdom to have the right effect.
  • Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They constantly send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but sadly all are not receptive to it. As one develops Karuna in self, not only helps others but becomes more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent to all by the enlightened beings. In such cases healing rapidly takes place.
  • Karuna Reiki opens you to work more closely with all enlightened souls. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit. The Karuna system of Reiki was developed by William L. Rand. The symbols were channeled by several other Reiki Masters, including Marcy Miller, Kellie -Ray Marine, Pat Courtney, Catherine Mills Bellamont, and Marla Abraham. William used the symbols and found them to have value, but felt they had more power than what was being accessed. He meditated a called the new system ‘Karuna Reiki’.Although, some of the symbols are used in other Reiki systems but do not have the same frequency or effectiveness or healing energies as in the Karuna System. It is felt that it is different from the Usui Reiki and some students find it more powerful. It has a more definite feeling to it and works on all the energy bodies at the same time. The attunement is completely different and the experience gained at the time is very unique. Some have also felt the presence of Guides and Masters.
  • There are some unique sets of Symbols that are worked upon and each healing is different from the other. There are two initial levels and then the master level.

You will learn 12 more powerful symbols to heal yourself or others along with the attunement of these symbols.

You will know the meanings of each symbol.

You will learn how to use these symbols.

You will learn where and when to use these symbols

There are two ways of learning Karuna Reiki

Face to Face Learning

This is a one day course of 6 to 8 hours in one a day. The printed training materials along with the Guided Meditation Audios and Certificate will be given hand to hand.

Virtual Learning

This is a minimum 2 days course on the virtual platform of Zoom or Giomeet or WhatsApp VDO calling depending on the student’s convenience. The date & time is adjustable. In this case, the printed training materials along with the Guided Meditation Audios and Certificate will be sent through courier to the address given by the participants.





Our main mission is to tell people that all are unique in this world. Out of the world population no one is similar as the finger prints of two persons never matches, likewise the personality of two person also never the same JOIN US.