Angelic Healing is a form of energy healing. We all have an energy system, which sometimes gets blocked during our daily lives. Think of these blocks like boulders in a river. Blocks like this get built up when we feel anger, fear, pain, resentment, or anything that is not in true alignment with who we are. We can loosen or remove some of the “boulders” with Angelic Healing, so we are back in the flow – feeling more energetic and more alive, more in tune with our higher self.
Angels and Their Angelic Realms
The Angelic Realm often referred to as “The Nine Choirs”. Throughout time these choirs of angels have performed specific
duties and carried energies unique only to them.
The first level is the highest of the astral is collectively concerned with the universe and the manifestations and inner workings
of divinity within it. These angels manifest energy simply through pure thought and possess the deepest knowledge.
Inner Journey is proud to present Angel Healing like never before – in-depth, powerful and accessible.
Don’t miss this life changing workshop, which would unleash the power of Angels in your life – work, relationship, health and spirituality.
Inner Journeys presents a unique opportunity to understand the power and magic of Angel Healing. This workshop offers not just in-depth knowledge of Angel Healing, but also makes it practical, hands on and demystified. Do not miss this opportunity. The Angels of the First Level are the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Thrones.
The First Sphere — angels who serve as heavenly counselors:
1 – SERAPHIM (1 being the highest order)
The Second Sphere — angels who work as heavenly governors:
The Third Sphere — angels who function as heavenly messengers:
Your 2 Guardian Angels will be activated and will know how to invoke the Archangels and Angels for different purposes of your life.
Learning Path
According to Angel Healers, everyone has guardian angels and connecting with them helps in bringing more harmony and peace in your life. Believers, well, believe that angels can give clear and positive guidance in many areas like:
* Finances
* Relationships
* Health
* Knowing your life’s purpose
* Conflict resolution
They’re Divine helpers who intervene in our everyday lives, but only when we invoke them and ask for their help, because angels don’t, and won’t, impose on anyone’s freewill.
Connecting with your angels feels like meeting your family or reuniting with best friends you haven’t seen in ages, there’s a sense of familiarity, love, and recognition that’s the biggest healing, on its own.
Once you start connecting with your Angels you will feel protected and loved all the time. As if someone is watching over you.
Come with a clear intention and be prepared with questions, and you will be guided by the angel. Expect a co-creative experience in which you, the facilitator and the angels all come together to work towards a common goal which is healing your body, mind and soul.
ANGEL HEALING is one of the most powerful and miraculous healing modalities, not just for physical, and emotional healing, but also spiritual healing. The simple reason being, by invoking Angels we call upon the Higher beings who are messengers and instruments of God. Beings who have special powers to reach out and heal people at all levels.
We at Inner Journeys have integrated various tools of Angel healing and have designed two workshops which can help anyone who believes in Angels to become an Angel healer and practitioner and not only help themselves but others.
Level-1 Helps a student understand and learn fundamental concepts and tools of Angel Healing. Tools of Divination, like Pendulum Dowsing, Angel Card Reading and Auto Writing, plus how to invoke and converse with Angels when dealing with diverse situations and people
The angelic realms are the next step for those already on a spiritual path who are ready to go deeper—and who are open to seeing angels and feel their presence.
Now, on a personal note…sometimes the thing we need most finds us rather than us seeking it, and that’s exactly what happened for me.
When I started connecting to Angels they made me feel loved, protected and guided. It helped me as a healer to get precise guidance for my clients and my family.
I realized that Angels always give you positive, loving, gentle and encouraging messages and as a mother I was extremely happy to introduce my kid to the Angelic Realm to connect with the Angels and seek their guidance in day to day Life.
Angel Healing Paid Course
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